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Memories! (poems: Dmitry Alekseevich Zurelidi)

  • Post category:Poems
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  • Reading time:1 mins read

you entered, sat modestly on the edge of a chair
looked back, around unfamiliar faces alone
well, why, what pushed you into these mountains
Here is another spring, here are other people's night lights

Do not get along with these smart and cunning people
Here gossip is scary, you'll be in front of everyone
The month will seem like an annoying gloomy year
Well, and the years,let's see, until I say something

The first school bell rang for you in a foreign land
Face shone, this is something new for us
So you love children, means them from now on
You will live and breathe and be proud sometimes

You entered our lives, like flowers inseparable in the field
helped anyone, who came to you with a request
Okay enough about the past, about life, about children, about school
Let's remember the guy, who stirred up your soul

He looked like nothing,mustache as a man should
And he knew how to hold on, admiring yourself in secret
What does a girl need, especially stupid Lina?
Who understands love, like an angel in good wine?

How could you fall so easily?
We'll think about it together one day.
What eclipsed you, I still do not understand
Have you also become a victim of mysterious flattery.

poems: Dmitry Alekseevich Zurelidi


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