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rural tourism

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Rural tourism is one of the important directions in the development of the village!
Today, no one will be surprised by the news that, that you spent your holidays in Malta or Turkey, and colorful photographs with overseas landscapes will delight few people! Traveling abroad is slowly becoming the norm., ceasing to be something inaccessible and luxurious. That is why there are new options for a decent holiday., becoming a more diverse alternative to a trip to the sea. Such a concept as "rural tourism" emerged relatively recently, however, managed to win many fans of this type of recreation. More and more people prefer to plunge into the atmosphere of a quiet country life, forgetting for a while about the bustle of the city and the problems.
In pre-pandemic times, according to the World Tourism Organization, the contribution of rural tourism to the total income of the European tourism industry reached 30%, and in popularity among Europeans, holidays in the countryside have outstripped sightseeing tours in recent years. A pandemic, dealt a crushing blow to the global tourism industry, only contributed to the increased interest in recreation in the outback in nature. According to the results 2021 last year, market participants who survived noted a more than two-fold increase in demand for tourism to the countryside.
Rural tourism is one of the important directions in the development of the village, because it is an alternative to its industrialization and a means of maintaining the population in poorly industrialized regions. In the West, two types of rural green tourism have been formed - "mixed" and "pure". The first relies on peasant (farmer's) farms, who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists. who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists 25 % who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists. who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists, who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists, who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists. who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists, who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists, who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists.
who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists, who grow livestock and vegetables and additionally receive tourists. In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs.. In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs.. In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs., In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs., In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs. 30 % In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs., In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs. 24%, In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs. 17%, In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs. 12%, In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs., In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs., In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs. 2 to 7 % . In the modern era, the process of productivity and automation of agriculture leads to a decrease in jobs., it was necessary to find new activities, that would replace or supplement agricultural activities. The search for approaches to solving this problem explains the increased interest in rural tourism, that with rapid development can revitalize many rural areas. Statistical studies show, what 35 % city ​​dwellers in the EU prioritize vacations in the countryside. In the Netherlands, their share is especially high - 49 %. Rural tourism creates new jobs and brings real income to the regions - Italy ranks first in Europe in rural tourism, her average profit is 350 mln USD. Rural tourism also makes it possible to find means and ways to conserve nature.. In many countries, the development of this type of tourism has become the main direction of protection and recreation of national rural areas. . Today, the EU, using the example of Italy, sees in rural tourism a way to save agriculture in Western Europe. They are written about in the media: “Rural tourism is now top-model. The people take full advantage, and not only for the summer, but also at Christmas, Easter . Old houses are being remodeled just for such vacationers.. Spoiled tourists are ready to agree to any conditions..
In Germany, the concept of a mechanism for tourism in peripheral regions was developed. Its main goal is to offer cheap outdoor recreation to the tourist market., without using expensive infrastructure and providing comfortable living conditions. France's success in offering such a specific product to the tourism market is indisputable., like a holiday in the countryside 45 million. foreign tourists, who visit the country every year, about 7 million. give priority to rest in the village
Unfortunately, despite the real demand, the rural tourism sector in the village of Tsikhisjvari is not developing in any way, it should be noted the practical absence of attempts to create any conditions for the development of this direction from rural residents.
The potential of rural tourism in the village of Tsikhisjvari is huge, many travelers visit the village in search of buying a plot or a house, many of them are foreigners, whom nature simply fascinated. And many, having bought a plot or a house, are in no hurry to build, What could be the reason, the question arises? . The answer is surely obvious, waiting for the moment, when you see no prospects - local population mostly living abroad, houses and land will be sold for next to nothing. Let's not be cunning and tell it like it really is: Business law says, what if someone built a house with their own hands, organized a business , it's hard to bargain with him, what if he inherited, then there is a huge chance to redeem for nothing. This is the moment many are waiting for., while the generation that was born and raised in the village leaves, who just won’t give up the work of their ancestors, and it will be much easier to agree with the younger generation. Nature itself endowed the inhabitants of the village with sights and beauty.. And it will be a sin not to use this gift of nature. By posting a previous article, we got a lot of negative feedback, the truth is not clear from the villagers, or from those who are not interested in the development of the village, We respect every opinion... they wrote to us why we need all this, we settled down a long time ago and we don't need it. We do not persuade or invite anyone, everyone has their own opinion and their own life. But there is a saying...* Never say - Never *.

PS: Please, if possible, register on the website of the village of Tsikhisjvari with your real names and leave your opinion in the comments. The Tsikhisjvari village website provides everyone with the opportunity to express their opinion..


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flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
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