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At the foot of milky clouds - (poems: Dmitry Alekseevich Zurelidi)

  • Post category:Poems
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  • Reading time:1 mins read

At the foot of milky clouds
Among the mountains and fabulous forests
Far to the north there is a village
Tsikhisjvari is called it

This is a piece of paradise in silence
Do not look for more beautiful in the whole world
Not a banana grows here , and no coconut,
But frost will always come to visit you

We do not need these miracles
Their counterfeit beauty is alien
God gave us his gifts
These are apples and pears - savages

Fresh air and healthy warmth
And in the evening cool wine
To give shelter to the traveler
Even if they don't expect to visit

Poems : Dmitry Alekseevich Zurelidi

PS:  A teacher and just a wonderful soul person ...


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flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
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