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Tsikhisjvari village website may not be available soon:

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Why do you need a website, when there is social media?
What is more important - your site or group in VKontakte? Where is the best place to blog? - on Instagram or on your resource? The debate on this topic is getting hotter every year.. Since we are very closely involved in our site, we can comment on this. Some ardent social media proponents claim, what own site - it's almost a relic of the past. We think, that one cannot replace the other. What social networks can never give to your project?

Reason 1. Locality website - this is your territory:

You think, that the group in VK, in FB, OK. or Instagram page - your property? Should upset you - it is the property of the network itself. Any social. network - like a rented apartment. You can be evicted at any time, enter a rent or add new living conditions. Link your locality site entirely to social networks - walking on thin ice.

Reason 2. No crazy race:

The site does not need to write posts every day and follow the endless innovations, How is it happening on social media?. Here everything is more conservative and in this case - it's a plus. Write interesting, useful articles, choose keywords for them and people will read them, save and share, and will visit your page constantly.

Reason 3. Site generates "warm" audience for free:

If you post useful articles on your site, sooner or later people from search engines will start coming to you. And this will be the audience, who is interested in your locality, which you get for free, everyday. Ie. You do not need, like social media, compete for audience attention, to get noticed in the news feed. People come to you from search engines, because they were looking for this information. Agree, this is a completely different alignment and find information about a specific locality, in such a situation much easier and more efficient:

Reason 4. Durability of articles:

How long does a post last on social media?. networks? Days, hours, minutes? What is the probability, that someone flips up to the post, which you wrote a year ago? Even for you, it's not an easy task.. Often the authors themselves do not remember, what they wrote a few months ago and many worthy posts disappear forever. One good article on the site can bring you visitors from search engines for years. In addition, here all the posts are divided into categories., there is such a thing as relinking. You can easily find the article you need and add it to the recommended list.. If your posts are helpful, visitors will hang on the site for a long time and move from one article to another. Reason 5. Add your ads The site can earn you money, even when you are sleeping or having fun. Source can be your ads: If you are going to sell, buy, rent or lease, real estate, land, transport and more. All you need is to add your ads, and the site will bring daily visitors from search engines, and solve your problems.

Reason 6. Site presence for visitors - important:

Even if you are maximally represented in all social networks, then all the same, visitors constantly ask you about the site. Why? First of all, easier to find information on the site. She's focused here., divided into sections and it is easier for your visitors to find something, what do you need. Secondly, site - this is an additional guarantee of reliability. Creating a website is much more difficult, than a group on social. networks. And besides, it takes much more time., efforts and, usually, of money. Your visitors and guests are well aware of this. And for them, this is not a guarantee., but a significant confirmation of the seriousness of the settlement.

Reason 7. Endless expansions:

The site has the ability to expand its capabilities to infinity. for example, the site has a forum, closed sections, create your newsletter. In social networks, we completely and completely have to rely on the decision and taste of the developers. And not always these decisions bring joy.. And much more.
What is and why do you need a site of the settlement:
The site of a locality is often the only way to find out online, what is actually happening in a particular point of geography. The number of sites of settlements is growing rapidly. People actively use them, and are glad to have the opportunity to learn more about the locality, in which it happened to be born or live. As well as guests, find out the news of the locality of interest.

Why Tsikhisjvari village needs a website?

The site of the village has an exclusively educational function.. Locality websites are often easy to navigate. Finding the information you need is easy. Sites of the locality are aimed at a specific locality and this is a plus. The media is extremely selective. They are simply not able to contain all the information., that may be of potential interest to a resident of a separate locality. Sites of the settlement are created in order to fill this gap.. They are extremely attentive to details.. Often helps to save time on finding the necessary information, as well as power and money. They are a kind of visiting cards of the settlement . If a person comes to visit another locality, it will not be difficult for him to navigate the terrain. Locality sites can be general purpose or highly specialized. Now every resident of the village can easily plan his day. Within the site of the locality you can find a list of events and events, useful contacts, read ads or chat with fellow countrymen. Here you can find out, what activities this or that locality offers in the near future and so on. The sites of the locality are also very convenient., when all the necessary information can be found in one place and develop a successful behavior strategy. Locality websites are interesting and extremely useful.

But unfortunately, it is not enough just to create a site of the locality:

In order for search engines such as Google or Yandex, indexed the site, the only thing needed, to visit the site and add interesting photos and articles. The website has the same chat., like social media. Since the site of the village of Tsikhisjvari , almost never visited, and no one is interested in search engines stop indexing it, and most likely they will stop issuing it. And that means, that the site may soon be unavailable. You can check yourself, by writing in the search bar of the Google or Yandex search engine, the word qihisjwari. And you will see that it is almost not on the first page of search engines. As far as possible, we will try to maintain and promote it., but our efforts are not enough. We addressed many residents of the village in writing via E-MAIL, ( all that is required of all of us, so it is to replenish the site with new materials, as photo, articles, ads ) to support the site of the village, and, as far as possible, supplemented with interesting materials. But it turns out he doesn't need anyone., because almost no one visits the site. We have received some letters by E-MAIL, truth without names , but what is the meaning of these letters. Ask, What is the benefit to us of doing all this?, and why do we need it.
Very interesting question, here is our answer:
All our benefit is, to create a resource that will collect all the useful information about the village of Tsikhisjvari in one place, in the titanic work that is needed to create such a resource. In sleepless nights and dozens of pages of written code, and in the material costs of paying for the domain and hosting ... and no one was asked for anything, except to visit the site and replenish materials, that's all our benefit. And we received another letter in the mail, also no name. And they write to us, that the Tsikhisjvars will never support you, so don't try, nothing will work for you, waste of time... But we'll still try to do our best, to keep and keep the site. But if the search engines ban him, because no one visits, then there is almost nothing we can do. Write your opinion in the comments, is it worth keeping the site, or really no one needs it.

PS: Happy Easter everyone! We wish everyone good health and good luck, goodness and joy, hope, faith and love!

Sincerely. site administration ...


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