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Step by step registration:

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  • Reading time:13 mins read

Dear friends! Today there were attempts to register on the website of the village of Tsikhisjvari. But almost no one succeeded, and not because it is so difficult to register, it's as easy as on facebook. It’s just that almost no one read the Step-by-Step Instructions for Registration. Doing everything right, just don't complete the registration. Нужно после регистрации перейти на e-mail который вы указали при регистрации, and follow the link that is sent to you from the site. This is necessary for the full operation and for the security of the site.. Since every minute the site is crawled by robots-bots, to register on other sites, we were forced to enter a confirmation e-mail during registration. Since robot bots do not have existing e-mail, to confirm registration, so bots can't get to the site. Although the registration process, some bots still go through. But they can't access the site., and we remove them. You can also register through social networks, it's the easiest, ниже приведена инструкция как все это сделать. If you have any questions write in the comments, and we will help you. Who do we know of course?, можем сами провести без подтверждения регистрации, but since many do not write their real names, we can't risk letting bots into the site...

To get a verified account

you need to go through four steps:

STEP 1. Click registration

First step

On the site of the village of Tsikhisjvari, click the "Register" button. Naturally, everyone can register in the language in which he sees fit ... In the photo, the language is in English, change the language to the one you need and register.

First step

STEP-2. Filling out the registration form

Second step

Second step

In the registration form that appears, enter your login -1, (fictitious name), E-mail -2 and password -3, then repeat password -4, add your photo -5, registration date -6, then confirm that you are not a bot -7, read the site's privacy policy carefully, and if you agree, then tick -8. You can also register using social networks, it's much easier, click on any social media button -9, and automatically register on the site. And the last press registration -10, and you're done, you have registered on the website of Tsikhisjvari village.

STEP-3. Go to mail - E-mail

Third step

Upon completion of registration to your email address, which you used when registering, a notification will be sent. By clicking on the notification, which is a link, You complete registration and authorization on the village website. First of all, registration is authorization, giving registered:
the right to participate in various discussions, post ads, articles, photo and video, and participate in forum discussions, leave your messages, comments, Express ones opinion, also gives you the right to edit your profile.

Third step

STEP-4. Login to the site

Fourth step

Register 2

Fourth step

You will need a login to enter the site. (fictitious name) and password, which you yourself and come up with when registering. Some users create a special mailbox for registering on sites - this is some prevention from possible spam, which can come from such sites after registering on them .... (Attention! The system will ask you to confirm your email address and send a link to your e-mail for authorization, if the e-mail you specified during registration is invalid, or you will not have access to your e-mail, You will not be able to log in and will not be able to get to the site in your personal account!) You can also check the box, so that the system remembers you, and you will not need to constantly enter a username and password.

And the last step - this is your personal account

Your personal account

Personal account on the site is a section, available only to an authorized user.

Any profile in social networks is a personal account. When we just went online, we can view any information, if other visitors have not restricted access rights to it. The main functions will open to us in full only after entering the login-password.

Your personal account

Personal Area: what is it and why is it

Personal Area - this is a personal page on the site, which only one person has access to. He can log in from any device with a username and password..

Your social media profile, account on the website of the tax service or the State. services - all these are personal accounts.

In the personal account, the user solves his tasks. They can only be associated with the village of Tsikhisjvari, holiday planning, rent or rent property in the village, sell or buy, different hobbies or entertainment, leave a review about the village or publish an interesting story. And the site of the village of Tsikhisjvari will help him with this. Consider situations with examples.

The user wants to find a job and registers on https://tsikhisdjvari.com/ The site of the village provides such an opportunity and with a ready-made template helps him fill out a ready-made questionnaire and gives tips: how to act, to find a job.

You can also edit your personal data in your personal account..

User profile -1, change your Email –2, change Password, new password -3, repeat password -4, enter your real name -5, Surname -6, Display name -7, your birthday -8, add your profile photo -9, date of registration on the site -10, checkbox protection against bots -11, read and agree to the site's privacy policy -12, also indicate your place of residence: page –17, and city-18, be careful with paragraph -19, it will delete your profile, and paragraph -20, will update your changes. And if you liked? Share with your friends! this is point -21. And most importantly, under the profile photo there is a menu:

Groups, Profile, Chat, Forum, Publications, Publication, Reviews …

by clicking on them you will open different menus of your profile. The site has a full chat, to communicate with each other, therefore, in the profile of your personal account, it is advisable to enter your first and last name, to get to know each other.


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offline 19 hours


flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
Комментарии: 0Публикации: 278Регистрация: 15-05-2021

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