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Abode of lovely old people (poems by Evgenia Davydovna Sevastova - Spitari)

  • Post category:Poems
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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We will turn our village
To the abode of dear old people
Wherever we go
Home we all - we will come

Let's open the old gate
We fix the fence with a support
Let's spread the blackberry branches
Tiredly sit on the threshold

currant bushes, raspberries
Nettle evil enveloped
Only trees proudly
Stand like a guard in front of the window

The court of my ancestors is not alien to me
I can hardly hold back my tears
Longing squeezes my chest
And I'll stay here it seems

Everything is native here, clean air
I have planted trees here.
Here my heart does not hurt
And everything is dear and sweet to me

Absurdly flipped through life
All people companion fate
To whom - she gave me what she deserved
I threw others where

No more youth here
And weddings are long forgotten
We see off the elderly
There, where the doors are open to everyone.


Evgenia Davydovna Sevastova (Spitari)


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offline 2 days


flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
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