Dear friends! Let's bow to the memory of all the departed teachers of the school in the village of Tsikhisjvari.
We also express our gratitude to all the teachers, both former and current, we wish them good health!
you're wasting your strength, health, but know, that it's not all in vain. Вы учителя с большой буквы, you sow humanity. We are grateful for your work.
To all teachers who have given and continue to give their students fundamental knowledge of secondary education, giving them a dream of further conquest of the heights of education. Instilled in their students a love for the big and small homelands.
Great school teachers of Tsikhisjvari village, about which only one thing can be said, that they are beautiful: soul, thoughts, deeds.
Low bow to you, dear school teachers!
The inhabitants of the village of Tsikhisjvari have always been distinguished by an insatiable thirst for knowledge., and the ability to learn all the time. And not by chance, immediately in the first months of arranging your life here, in the village of Tsikhisjvari, priorities, facing the first settlers, were the construction of a Greek Orthodox church and the foundation of a school, which was created in 1861 year. The local population hired a teacher, who taught children Greek. IN 1873 the villagers built a stone building, which had first class, consisting of three divisions. Teaching was conducted in Greek. More 40 years, peasants at their own expense hired teachers and maintained the school and taught up to 3 grades. The lessons were taught by two teachers in Greek and only in 1896 year the Russian government appointed one teacher at the expense of the government and introduced the Russian language. FROM 1923 on 1933 years as a teacher of Greek language and literature, history in Tsikhisjvari was the greatest teacher Jeremeas Grammatikopoulos . FROM 1943 the Greek language ceased to be taught. To 1917 the head of the school was a priest, and then Onufriadi Theodore. IN 1895 year, the tsarist government approved a decree, according to which the school became a parochial.
FROM 1920 Ivanov Illarion Georgievich became the head of the school. FROM 1922-1928 year became the head of the school - Terladze. Then Kazanzhev Alexander became the head of the school.. FROM 1925-1927 year the school was transformed into ShKM (peasant youth school). Shkolnikov A became the director of the school. Then Sevastov Feoklit Alekseevich became the director of the school. (1930-1937 year). Onufriadi Naum, was the principal of the school 1937 on 1949 year.
After Naum Onufriadi, Konstantin Popov became the director of the school 1949 - 1951. After Konstantin Popov, Sevastova Evri Alekseevna became the director of the school. IN 1960 Ivanov Viktor Illarionovich became the director of the school. Then to 1963 of the year became the director of the school - Khomeriki Enver. FROM 1963 of the year – Medelauri Olga Georgievna. After that, Iordanov Vasily became the Director of the school., then Tosunov Givi became the director of the school. After Tosunov Givi and to this day the director of the school (already Georgian) – Julia Maisuradze.
PS: Dear residents and guests of Tsikhisjvari village, напишите в комментариях имена учителей школы в селе Цихисджвари, who do you remember. Let's list the names of all, without forgetting anyone, and if there are inaccuracies in the article, please write to us and we will fix it. And then we will transfer all the names to the article, so that we all remember our teachers together ...