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At the crossroads of two roads (poems by Evgenia Davydovna Sevastova - Spitari)

  • Post category:Poems
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  • Reading time:1 mins read


Our village is dying
Everyone has gone where
Sad heart stops
When I look at houses

abandoned, mute reproach
without blaming, not guilty
They are waiting for their owners.
They have their own history

And there was a golden time
Flowers bloomed in all yards
And on the painted balconies
The children played noisily

There were a lot of young people here.
And summer residents have always been
The day passed for everyone at work
And the evening - in the dance by the fire

Flying through the night
And obsessed with youth
We all, somehow dressed up,
One - one life lived

Everything has changed so much
Other times have come
Now the strangers are coming
And cut our forest on the spot

Only old ladies left
Tired of waiting for someone
And they did not know poverty
No one drove them from here

Raw, dark huts
The country opened the door to them
With unkempt yards
In which everyone became slaves

At the crossroads of two roads
I stand alone in confusion
Dress in bright silks
Hanging necklaces around the neck

Why did my people leave
Forgot about your houses
And in what did he find his salvation
Leaving them without regret

But in this paradise
Washed in snow and rain
We believe - someone will come
And will live again for centuries

Evgenia Davydovna Sevastova (Spitari)




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flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
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