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Who is given by fate (poems by Evgenia Davydovna Sevastova - Spitari)

  • Post category:Poems
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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I adore those, who is given by fate

Be generous and kind
Who does not know how to do evil, does not know cold envy
And I hurriedly leave, from too proud and stubborn
Living only for yourself, not recognizing one's equals

I'm afraid of naked poverty, tramps sleeping under the fence
Empty no good chatter, and a rickety house
I love people of all races and nations, who has a place on earth
Warning hot , responsive to someone else's misfortune

Who will not push and condemn, won't take someone else's place
I love such people, let them be very lucky
Earthly life is not perfect, where there is good there is evil
It's impossible to live without mistakes, we just don't get it

I sympathetically acknowledge, all those little vices
That they don't let you live in peace, and teach us lessons
Or are you a simpleton or a genius, all this is given to us from above
And judging people is ridiculous, being a judge is just ridiculous..

Evgenia Davydovna Sevastova ( Spitari)

PS: Everlasting memory! The man was amazing!


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