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Tsikhisjvari Youth Club

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Here is my village, here is my home!...
Dear friends! We were approached with the idea to create a youth club in the village of Tsikhisjvari. Although the main goal of the project is the site of the village of Tsikhisjvari, that's what it's all about, and not just to attract guests and show the sights of the village. The most important, this is that the youth of our village are mainly interested in the village. Mostly young people visit the village and know what is happening there, but there are also young people who, for some reason, cannot go, and probably there are also young people who are not interested in the village at all. That's all together we must try to attract them to the interest of the village. She left this idea for us in the comments on the Facebook page. - Stranger Unknowing, although quite familiar and quite knowledgeable, because she proposed to gather the youth of the village, let at least to the virtual Youth Club of the village of Tsikhisjvari. What is it for? Let's all decide together, why you need to remember and appreciate places, where were our ancestors born, our parents.
Probably the most important thing, this is a well-known saying that has been around for a long time - a person without a past has no future. In fact, there is a future. Question - which?
Nowadays, many people have the following attitude towards life:, as if nothing had happened except today. It's so convenient. But sooner or later every person realizes, what he, living today, is an extension of people, who came before him. There is a relationship with them, and these connections, these threads are also relevant, as well as relationships with living people. They need to be preserved in the same way..
Past - this is a person's self-identification, Its roots. The ability to feel capable of having goals, which in their duration exceed the length of human life. If a person lives only for today, it is very difficult for him to understand not only the category of eternity, but also even the category of the future. Ordinary future, which will come beyond the horizon of his own history. Human, aware, what he - part of a long history, understands, that there may be tasks in his life, many years ahead of our lifetime.
We, as a people, we are famous for, how we feel about history and our elders, with special awe and respect. But unfortunately we are young people today, we easily embrace various innovations, and at the same time we hardly know how to maintain or maintain an attitude towards history, which is a separate part of human culture. Past - this is not our burden, and our wealth. Need to remember, where do our parents and we come from?, how we lived, what mistakes did you make.... And not for that, so as not to repeat them - we will still step on our required amount of rake, - and for that, to just be human.
Probably each of us has encountered this, with what pride and nostalgia our parents, grandparents traveling to their childhood. We see how memories can stir the soul.... Feeling something good, irretrievably lost, family and friends, becomes so unbearable, so painful.
If suddenly one of us decides to travel to the places of our ancestors, rest assured, the key is still there! And that means, we will definitely return there, Sooner or later. For many of us, the village has never been our home, many of us are classic city dwellers.. But the older we get, the sweeter all sorts of different pictures of village life become for us. And it’s not clear, what is happening to us? Perhaps sentimental maturation is making itself felt?, maybe the deep roots remind you of themselves, after all, which of our ancestors still came from the village.... Let's not philosophize further, let's get to the main point. Everyone who considers themselves young and with village roots, everyone who lives in the village, let's organize a Virtual Youth Club of Tsikhisjvari village. And in this way we will share stories and photographs of the village with everyone, especially those who are in Tsikhisjvari will help with this. And we will help that part of the youth who are interested in the village, and never visited the village. Together we can, because for the young there will be no reason, that they don’t know how to use technology.
PS: After registration and authorization on the website of the village of Tsikhisjvari, we get to the user’s personal account. The created groups will be visible there. Selecting the desired group, Tsikhisjvari Youth Club, a button will appear under your profile, join the group, By clicking on the button we automatically go to the group.


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flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
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