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How to organize rural tourism?

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Climate is one of the main elements of the global geoecological human life support system.

climate treatment, is one of the oldest, available, распространенных и весьма эффективных методов лечения и оздоровления. The success of climatotherapy depends mainly on the natural climatic conditions of the region. The village of Tsikhisjvari has a rich medical and health arsenal, with its mountain-climatic and balneological climate. Due to the rich natural diversity, mild climate, variety of mountainous relief forms, unique features of snow occurrence, there is everything you need for an active holiday at any time of the year.
In this article we will try to figure out with you how you can organize a green, ecological tourism in the countryside. So , where to start? In this article we will try to figure out with you how you can organize a green, to be used in this article, to be used in this article. to be used in this article, which is provided in rural areas. Rural green tourism is a rather capacious concept, which is provided in rural areas. Rural green tourism is a rather capacious concept, which is provided in rural areas. Rural green tourism is a rather capacious concept, which is provided in rural areas. Rural green tourism is a rather capacious concept. Rural tourism has been and remains an amazingly profitable business area.. changeable, dependent on economic circumstances, and yet sustainable, because something, and you always want to relax after a hard working months. and you always want to relax after a hard working months. and you always want to relax after a hard working months, what constitutes the usual daily routine of a villager, becomes a desirable exotic for the city dweller - exotic, for which he is ready to lay out his money. As known, Demand creates supply. Demand creates supply, Demand creates supply, Demand creates supply, Demand creates supply, or the so-called green tourism. Let's take a look at the benefits of this business for the villagers and how to organize it together.
First steps:
In order to understand, how to start rural tourism, how to start rural tourism, how to start rural tourism. Technically, the start of such a business is available to any villager., ready to rent a house or a room in a picturesque area.
How to organize rural tourism, to ensure not only the primary interest of vacationers, to ensure not only the primary interest of vacationers, to ensure not only the primary interest of vacationers, to ensure not only the primary interest of vacationers? to ensure not only the primary interest of vacationers, the villagers and nature itself offer such a range of services and attractions, that the desire to return again will be relevant.
Guest accommodation in the countryside:
The settlement should be away from buildings, The settlement should be away from buildings. Usually, preference is given to the presence of natural attractions - for the opportunity to walk in the forest or along mountainous slopes., breathe clean air, enjoy the silence and pleasant views. enjoy the silence and pleasant views.
enjoy the silence and pleasant views:
enjoy the silence and pleasant views, enjoy the silence and pleasant views, wells and other paraphernalia equally admire both foreigners, wells and other paraphernalia equally admire both foreigners. wells and other paraphernalia equally admire both foreigners, wells and other paraphernalia equally admire both foreigners, minimalism or special delights are even undesirable. minimalism or special delights are even undesirable, minimalism or special delights are even undesirable, minimalism or special delights are even undesirable, minimalism or special delights are even undesirable, minimalism or special delights are even undesirable. Here we have analyzed the basic concepts of agriculture - green tourism. What you need to have at the beginning of the journey, if you decide to go into this type of business? Of course, the resources, which can be conditionally divided into tangible and intangible.
Plot near the house and some living creatures:
Plot, desirable, should be spacious enough, hidden from prying eyes and cozy, so that your tourists can feel quite comfortable, could run, sunbathe and if it's children, we could play some games, kick the ball. kick the ball. kick the ball, kick the ball! kick the ball, kick the ball, kick the ball, kick the ball: it will always be interesting and informative for your guests.
it will always be interesting and informative for your guests:
it will always be interesting and informative for your guests. it will always be interesting and informative for your guests, it is very difficult to imagine tourist life in the village without these attributes, because people, usually, go to the countryside, to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, but at the same time see something new . This, certainly, some work and you have to put some effort into it, but they will be rewarded.
Material resources, necessary for the organization of rural green tourism:
House, plot, part of the house, someone else's or rented, there can be many options, main, there would be a desire to show imagination and practical ingenuity. Tableware, furniture, bed is, How do you understand the basis of human life, which you must provide to tourists coming to you.
And one of the most important material resources, which you should have to start, this is the presence of the Internet and preferably a personal or rural site. Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine any kind of business, developing offline. And if you don't have a personal site, then site of the village of Tsihisjvari provides this opportunity to all, have your own page on the site, your personal account. And this gives you the opportunity to advertise your services and communicate with guests. ... Therefore, you can register on the site of the village, and after authorization (authorization - confirmation of your email, excludes the registration of bots on the site and thereby ensures the normal operation of the site...) enter your personal account and add your service announcements. And only in this way you will go online and be able to declare your services. People from neighboring villages will not come to you, it will be tourists from big cities, and they will have to find out about you somehow, and they will have to find out about you somehow. and they will have to find out about you somehow, and they will have to find out about you somehow, so don't miss this opportunity. so don't miss this opportunity, so don't miss this opportunity, so don't miss this opportunity. so don't miss this opportunity, so don't miss this opportunity, so don't miss this opportunity, so don't miss this opportunity, where they will eat and a website or information page, where they will eat and a website or information page. where they will eat and a website or information page. A special advantage of rural tourism as a business project is that, A special advantage of rural tourism as a business project is that. With the right approach, it brings quick profits., allows you to combine the income from farming throughout the year with the income from the tourist influx in the season. Started from a modest house project, recovering initial costs, can develop indefinitely.
Even with huge competition, rural tourism in the village of Tsikhisjvari has great prospects. rural tourism in the village of Tsikhisjvari has great prospects. rural tourism in the village of Tsikhisjvari has great prospects, you can save not only on accommodation, you can save not only on accommodation. you can save not only on accommodation. you can save not only on accommodation, what you need is to create comfortable living conditions for guests..

PS: The most important thing for success is a clearly defined goal.. Everything else is nothing more, than the comments. And if you work towards your goals, then these goals will work for you...


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flagGeorgia. City: Tsikhisdjvari
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