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Birch (poems: Dmitry Alekseevich Zurelidi)

  • Post category:Poems
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  • Reading time:1 mins read

At the edge of the forest, like in a picture
You stand beautiful and tender
They slide over you, I play, sun glare
You're alive, I need you so much now

I love you, I love you, I won't hide it
Each of your patterns is on the leaves
I want to stroke it with my hand
And press your cheek to them

I just want to suddenly get on my knees
Embrace your flexible figure
And then wander past your own shadow
Stealing glances at you

And one day you came in a dream
She gently wrapped her arms around me
She whispered something in the semi-darkness
Looking with loving eyes

But I woke up, you're no longer here
And there is only emptiness around
I wanted to believe this nonsense
I wanted to cry without shame

At dawn I hurried to you
Without fear of snow or frost
Bow down again to your beauty
Darling, desired birch.

Poems : Dmitry Alekseevich Zurelidi

PS: This poem was provided to us by the daughter of Dmitry Alekseevich - Elina Dmitrievna Piridi (Zurelidi).


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