About the site of the village Tsikhisjvari
Friends! You are on the site of the village of Tsikhisjvari. Which was created specifically for our residents and guests. This place, where you can chat freely, find out local news. Playground, where you can discuss and together solve the issues we face every day. Who else will solve them, if not us?
Since this is our site with you, then we propose to develop it all together. Let's share ideas, news. ads, articles, video, You can upload photos and notes yourself. By registering on the site, you can add photos in JPG format, GIF или PNG, ΜΡ4 video files , and music in ΜΡ3 format . Also after registration, You can add any ads regarding only villagers, absolutely free. Also raise any topic for discussion or participate in the discussion of other topics on the forum ... there is a chat on the site, where you can communicate with each other, everyone is requested to register with their real names, so that when entering the chat they recognize each other. We - open, emerging team, and anyone can join us.
Objective of the project, This - Create a convenient site, which with the help of residents and guests, make a visiting card of sights of Cichisjvari. This is mainly for young people who do not visit the village and do not know what is happening there., help this part of the youth, which for some reason cannot go or are not interested in the village in general, probably there are. That's all together we must try to attract them to the interest of the village. At the same time all together, to the best of my ability, We can try to save the forces and time of visitors, in search of necessary information. All the information that visitors are looking for, To be found in one place, On the modern site. We are to the best of our strengths, We will try to save your strength and time in search of the necessary information. All you need to find out - you will find in one place, On the modern Internet resource of the village. We hope, that our approach to creating this project, will allow us to adequately occupy our niche in the Internet space. We have plans for the development of the site. We are open to any mutually beneficial cooperation. The site will continuously develop and improve, wherein, we take into account the opinions of our users. Any can be affected by any. If you have a good idea, Be sure to inform us of this. Participate and replenish with interesting materials. Thank you for support and understanding ...
Everyone has a need to belong to a certain social group and to support each other.. There are many ways to appeal to this need.. for example, studies show: even one word "together" can impress a person. The best way to bring people together is to share their experiences., ideas, thoughts and feelings. Our team hopes, what impressions, ideas, thoughts and feelings for our village Tsikhisjvari will unite us into one team. All who can contribute to the development of this project, everyone who has time, opportunity and desire, will be welcomed. There is a problem with translation into different languages on the site now, who can help in the correct translation a huge request to write to us, and we will contact you ... We are sure - that your qualities and your unique opportunities to support the site will not pass by our topic, And that this is not just a random place, but a place to unite us all together and share impressions and tell guests about our unique Tsikhisjvari ... Thank you for your support and understanding ...